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    Home > Samsung > Samsung Trender, SPH-M380 > Original Samsung Trender Standard Battery

    Samsung Trender Standard Lithium Ion Battery

    Price: $17.95
    Condition:Guaranteed Brand New [Details]
    Brand:Manufactured by Samsung

    All Products are Brand New | We Quality Control Everything We Carry | Office and Warehouse in the USA | Gimmick Free, Hassle Free

    The original Samsung Trender battery is made by the same manufacturer as your Samsung Trender phone and is guaranteed to be brand new. Manufactured by Samsung. When you notice that your Samsung Trender phone just does not hold a charge like it used to, it is time to replace the battery with a brand new one.

    • Type: Lithium Ion
    • Warranty: One Year

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    "We are your one stop shopping spot for a complete selection of products for your cellular phone"
    Quality, Integrity

    Samsung Trender Standard Lithium Ion Battery
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