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    Original Nokia Lumia 1520 Home and Travel Charger

    Availability:No Longer Manufactured
    Price: $9.95
    Brand:Manufactured by Nokia

    All Products are Brand New | We Quality Control Everything We Carry | Office and Warehouse in the USA | Gimmick Free, Hassle Free

    Some customers who purchased the Original Nokia Lumia 1520 Wall Outlet Charger also purchased:

    • The original Nokia Lumia 1520 wall charger plugs into the standard 110V wall outlet
    • Short circuit protection
    • LED Indicator
    • Manufactured by Nokia

    The original Nokia Lumia 1520 home and travel wall charger is great for charging your Nokia Lumia 1520 phone while you travel, at home, in the office or anywhere you can plug your Nokia Lumia 1520 phone into a standard outlet. Don't be left without a charge on your Nokia Lumia 1520 phone because you left your charger behind. Warranty: provided by Nokia.

    Currently offered on: AT&T

    All carriers including Alltel/ AT&T/ Sprint PCS/ T-Mobile and Verizon are trademarks of the respective companies
    "We are your one stop shopping spot for a complete selection of products for your cellular phone"
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    Original Nokia Lumia 1520 Home and Travel Charger
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